Cancer Surgery or Oncosurgery

Colon and rectal cancers are nowadays treated by laparoscopic surgery which is a relatively painless procedure and oncologically equivalent. Laparoscopic Colorectal resections provide the best of whole world - less morbidity and equal oncological efficacy. Besides colon and rectum, stomach and intestinal and pancreatic cancers, which are limited to the organ of origin, can also be treated by Laparoscopic surgery. With advancement of scientific discoveries, now we have energy devices which seal artery and veins, excise and join intestines. We routinely undertake colorectal procedures for cancers with fantastic results. Besides, colorectal cancers we treat Breast, Thyroid, and Oral cancers regularly.
- Colon and Rectum Cancers
- Stomach Cancers
- Intestinal Cancers
- Pancreatic Cancers
- Breast Cancers
- Oral cancers